
I'm Turner, a copywriter and author. I’m currently seeking an in-house copywriting role, while working on a novel and a volume of poetry.

I've written copy for the marketing world for six years and counting. I've written for multi-platform ad campaigns, e-commerce, social media, email marketing, SEO, brand guides, company manifestos, packaging, blog and newsletters.

I’ve lived many past lives: social media and digital strategist, web developer, customer support agent, residential window cleaner, SEO specialist, warehouse fulfillment, keyholder at a co-working space, and working shifts at a local butcher shop. I’ve soaked in every experience. A common expression for writers is “write what you know”–– I took that to heart.

Say hey or hire me: turnerjoylynch@gmail.com


Copywriter & Author

Client List

In-House Contributor / Edited, wrote, & executed promotional materials, infographics, social & email content.

In-House Contributor / Managed and created social & live-response resources interdepartmentally

In-House Contributor / Wrote and edited external & internal support macros & response scripting

Freelance Copywriter / Complete language rebrand, crafted a slogan and mission statement, and weekly email campaigns

In-house and Freelance Copywriting / Edited, wrote, & executed promotional materials, infographics, social & email content.

Freelance Copywriter / Wrote marketing material & edited ad material

Freelance Copywriter / Crafted organizational statement